Articles & Stories

A new movement in Lesotho

Neo Moeti was brought up in a Christian household. After graduating from university, full time mission work was not on her mind. That was until one Sunday, when she was challenged by God, through a friend, to step out of her comfort zone. In September 2019 she joined a short term Harvest Team trip to a town on the northern Mozambique coast, a predominantly Islamic region.   

The whispers of the Spirit

A couple working in a creative access country share this story about local believers. Where they live, believing in Jesus is a tremendous risk.

A giant for Christ

Ian Campbell shares one of his richest privileges of serving in DR Congo - to have known Pastor Matayo Odama.

The kingdom of God in our midst

We know what’s really important. What matters is not AIM, nor denominations, nor other institutions that will pass away. What matters is the Kingdom of God. We can’t pin it down – but we can see signs of its being in our midst. It’s my joy to share glimpses and to point to three small signs of the coming of the Kingdom of God among God’s people in Lesotho. 

Branching out

Paul and Helen, along with their three girls, serve in Kotido, a town in the Karamoja region of northern Uganda.

New confidence

Claudia Middendorf, AIM's Unit Leader in Mozambique shares about the impact of Covid-19 on the church there.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.