What is mobilising?

Our heart is to see Christ-centred churches among all African peoples and our priority is to go to the people groups still unreached with the gospel. Tim introduces us to what mobilisation looks like in the local church.


How can churches move towards mobilising people?
As we teach through the Bible, God’s heart for his glory and his desire to save people from every nation becomes clear. Then it becomes natural to pray for and share the needs of those who are unreached. Once a church is passionate and informed, they might start praying for and strategically supporting those already engaged in mission. When these things are in place, they can begin to equip and send workers themselves for short or long term global mission.

“Both the enquiry and application process are about discerning if God is truly calling candidates to mission service.”

How does AIM help churches?
We have resources (Bible studies, Sunday school materials, service outlines and more) to help busy church leaders equip their congregations and church members. Our friendly Mission Advisors can also help provide a focus and emphasis on global mission. They can help churches develop mission plans and strategies. They also act as mentors and encouragers for those considering serving as missionaries themselves.

What course could a church use to raise the profile of global mission?
‘Momentum Yes’ is a six part interactive course to help churches understand what God is doing in the world and how to get involved. It can be done individually or, even better, in a small group – we run sessions online and in churches.

What steps are involved in sending people?
If an individual, couple or family senses God’s call to missions, the first step is for them to discuss it with their church leaders. It is also wise to pray intentionally with a small group of trusted Christian friends. Agencies like AIM can help by speaking into the discernment process, providing information on ministry opportunities and approaches to mission. Both the enquiry and application process are about discerning if God is truly calling the candidates to mission service. Once that is established, the focus turns to making sure they are suitably equipped and directed to the appropriate ministry for them to be a part of.

What does it look like to prepare to go?
There is no ‘one size fits all’ model to prepare new workers for the harvest field, as everyone is different and at different stages in their lives, biblical understanding, spiritual maturity, professional training and skills. Working together with church leaders and candidates, we consider a range of options such as Bible college, online Bible training or studying at your church. AIM also has a range of required courses to help candidates prepare to live simply in cross-cultural settings.

What happens next?
As part of their equipping and preparation, new members attend European Based Orientation (EBO) before they leave for their first assignment. EBO is a four day programme covering a range of practical, security and spiritual issues that are necessary as the time to actually go approaches.

Africa Based Orientation (ABO) is an invaluable three week programme in Kenya for all new AIM missionaries, right at the start of their assignment. ABO is led by experienced missionaries from Africa and other settings, with experience and cultural and theological insight. Lifelong learning is a key value at AIM, as there is always more to learn as we serve one another.

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There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.