Peter and Katy Wilson

Daniel, Caleb and Levi

Sent from Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh

The Wilsons work at Rift Valley Academy (RVA) and Titchie Swot, RVA’s primary school, an AIM-run school for missionary children. Peter is the Superintendent of RVA and Katy is the Principal of Titchie Swot.

They began serving with AIM in 2002, when they worked for two years as volunteer coordinators for the Eastern Region office in Kenya. On their return to the UK they both went into teaching, and in 2009 went to Namibia to serve on an AIM team working with the Ministry of Education and the local church on the Kaisosi Evangelical Bible Church Orphans and Vulnerable Children Project, seeking to serve orphans and vulnerable children. In summer 2010 they returned to working in the Eastern Region office as Short Term Coordinators, and in 2012 joined a team seeking to reach the unreached on one of the islands in the Indian Ocean.

In December 2013, Peter and Katy returned to serve in Kenya again, this time at Titchie Swot, seeking to serve missionaries through educating and discipling their children. Peter served as the Principal and Katy taught fourth grade.

“Having worked among a Muslim people group on an Indian Ocean Island we came to a point where we sensed the Lord taking us away from that for a season, largely due to sickness and our kids’ educational needs. God has led us to Rift Valley Academy (RVA), AIM’s boarding school in Kenya. Here, we have the privilege of supporting families who, like we did, live in remote or difficult places, often places where there are no good educational options. Through RVA we now have the opportunity to help numerous families stay in their remote locations, serving to reach unreached people groups in a way they couldn’t do without educational support. Instead of having to go home for their children’s education, missionary parents are able to send their children to RVA, a place where they can be assured of the Christian teaching they receive. We are therefore more than teachers here. We are parents, coaches and mentors. While we have a desire to see all the nations God has made come before him in worship, for this season we have this wonderful privilege of discipling future missionaries here.”

In August 2021 Peter became the Superintendent of RVA and Katy took over from him as Principal of Titchie Swot.

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Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963. Since then British tourism has been a key element of Kenya’s economy, however, unemployment, poverty and crime remain high. Whilst the majority religion is Christianity, Kenya’s ethnic diversity and vast countryside means there are still many unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE


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