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Mat and Katy Linley

with Phoebe, Jonah and Barnaby

Sent from Sutton Bonington Baptist Church, Nottinghamshire

Mat and Katy are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Mat is AIM Southern Region’s Regional Administrative Officer (RAO), and Katy works as a Family Medicine Consultant at the AIC Kijabe Hospital and oversees the Diploma in Family Medicine for Clinical Officers.

The Linleys began serving with AIM in February 2009, working in partnership with AIM at the Good News Hospital in Mandritsara.

The hospital is a project of the Association of Bible Baptist Churches of Madagascar, with a vision to show God’s love and to bring the gospel to the people of this region, predominantly the Tsimihety people group. The hospital itself is a church planting project, seeking to establish new churches in Mandritsara town, in every town and village within the Mandritsara district, and in several district capitals between the east and west coasts of Madagascar (the main catchment area for the hospital). As well as the hospital and community health work, the project incorporates village evangelism, a gospel radio station, a French-speaking Primary School and a School of Nursing and Midwifery.

Phoebe, Jonah and Barnaby attended l’Ecole Bonne Nouvelle (the Good News School) in Mandritsara.

Working together with the local Baptist church pastor, Mat was involved in discipleship training and Bible teaching for leaders of around 70 village church groups that had started through contacts made with the hospital and the local church. He also led the multi-agency missionary team in Mandritsara and is a member of the project management committee and Board. Katy, a GP, was Head of Medicine in the hospital.

In November 2020 the Linleys moved to Kijabe, Kenya, to take up new roles with AIM’s Southern Region and the AIC Kijabe Hospital.

Mat serves as the RAO for AIM’s Southern Region, working as part of a small team supporting AIM missionaries and partners in Namibia, Lesotho, Mozambique, Madagascar and other Indian Ocean islands. Southern Africa is a region of contrasts – burning deserts, tropical islands and snow-capped mountains; some people are financially-rich, whilst many are living in extreme poverty; bustling cities and vast, sparsely-populated regions; churches thriving in some areas and yet, in others, unreached people groups (UPGs) who have little or no opportunity to hear of the saving work of Jesus.

AIM’s Southern Region team provide oversight and support to AIM’s workers across Southern Africa who are involved in church planting and outreach among such UPGs, and in church mobilisation and theological education to support the development of the local church.

Katy works as a Family Medicine Consultant at AIC Kijabe Hospital. Kijabe Hospital is known as a key training centre for medical professionals, not just across Kenya, but throughout Africa. In addition to her clinical work, Katy is heading up a new Diploma in Family Health for Clinical Officers (COs), which aims to equip Christian COs to provide quality primary health care and to give them a vision to use these skills to serve and minister in cross-cultural settings. It is hoped that this first cohort of seven students will become the teaching faculty for this diploma in the future.

Phoebe, Jonah and Barney attend Rift Valley Academy (RVA), AIM’s boarding school for missionary children. They enjoy being part of the multicultural student body of around 500 students from about 30 different nationalities, of which many have grown up in different countries before coming to RVA.

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