Loots and Nancy worked on the Preach The Word (PTW) training course in Rwanda from 2010-2018. This course equips students to read and teach the Bible faithfully and pass it on, and live alongside the students to model applying Biblical truth to daily life.
When the Lambrechts family went to Rwanda they had a burden for the church there, that the Bible would be central to its life and teaching.
Loots met Determiné, a local man who shared this same burden. They became friends, met and talked over many months, lamented the situation within the church and decided that they should do something about it. So the Preach The Word training course was born in the context of a country still hurting and recovering from the 1994 genocide and a church that sought to help, but has somehow lost its way. Determiné and Loots are the two facilitators on the course, they focus on equipping the students to handle to word of God responsibly and to pass it on faithfully. They encourage a family feel on the course, with their motto being that it is both training and discipleship together. They are deliberate in living life alongside the students and speaking Biblical truth into their lives. Their ultimate hope and prayer is that Preach The Word will bear fruit within the church of Rwanda by bringing Biblical teaching into sharp focus, so that the church may be built up to maturity in Christ.
One of Preach The Word’s students, Daniel Ledama, commented ‘I can say that PTW is a family where we come and we really learn the word of God, and it is a place where we really get changed by the word of God’.
Towards the end of their time serving with AIM the Lambrechts family needed to move for South Africe, so handed over Preach the Word (PTW) training course in Kigali, Rwanda, to the local leadership. Loots returned to Rwanda every couple of months until the end of 2018, when they formally finished serving with AIM.