Donate to Rebecca Welsh

Rebecca Welsh

Sent from Adelaide Place, Baptist Church, Glasgow

Rebecca will be supporting the ministries of AIM workers and their families through teaching chemistry and broader science at Rift Valley Academy, Kenya in 2024. 

Rebecca is from Northern Ireland but is currently living and working in Glasgow, Scotland. Rebecca’s first experience of cross-cultural mission was as a small child when her family served in Nepal. Growing Up in a Christian family that served in full-time ministry, involvement in God’s mission was a normal part of everyday life. As a teenager, however, God specifically laid Africa and ministry amongst young people on her heart.

God further confirmed Rebecca’s call to serve in an overseas cross-cultural context through a gap year spent working with and in support of a mission community in Kathmandu, Nepal. This included having time working with KISC, an international school for the children of missionaries. Since then Rebecca has spent five summers serving on and leading mission teams to Kenya. Having studied chemistry in Glasow, Rebecca then obtained her teaching qualification and she currently works as a high school chemistry teacher.  

Rebecca is looking forward to joining the AIM team at Rift Valley Academy (RVA) in Kijabe, Kenya. RVA is AIM’s school which educates and disciples students from missionary families serving across Africa.  She is also looking forward to building relationships with staff and students and to contributing to the student’s learning through the academic programme. She knows that school is so much more than academic learning alone and is excited to see how God is going to use her gifts and passions to help disciple the young people at RVA. 

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