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Rae* is serving in a creative access location. In her first term (just over two years) she is prioritising getting a good grasp of the language, understanding the culture better and partnering with other missionaries in a language school business. Through teaching English she will be serving the community and, most importantly, taking every opportunity to form relationships through which she can share the good news of Jesus the Saviour.

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*name has been changed for security reasons

Latest Prayer News

Creative Access

We use ‘Creative Access’ to refer to nations, areas or ministries where there is great hostility towards Christianity and where traditional ‘missionary work’ is not possible. Workers, therefore, need to be ‘creative’ in how they proclaim the liberating news of Jesus Christ. In North Africa alone, 200 million people from 472 unreached people groups are unreached with the gospel. That’s 200 million people unknowingly heading for a Christ-less eternity. LEARN MORE

Creative Access

Creative Access refers to nations, areas or ministries where there is great hostility towards Christianity and where traditional ‘missionary work’ is not possible. Workers, therefore, need to be ‘creative’ in how they proclaim the good news of Jesus. LEARN MORE
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