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Sent from St Mary’s Church, Maidenhead

From September 2020-February 2022 Paul served in Chad, using Bible stories to teach English to young men. He is now between assignments in the UK.

Since his childhood, Paul’s heart has been longing for Africa. God has granted him many opportunities to explore this desire, and to investigate different options as he considered a long term future there. Through studying International Development and French, and then spending a year at Bible School, God equipped Paul for practical service in Chad.

With large swathes of the country having never come into contact with the gospel, Paul considers it a privilege to play a part in taking it to those frontiers. Within the context of teaching English classes for adults he had the opportunity to study the gospel, from creation to Pentecost, with his students. Over the course of six months these classes provide the opportunity for students to better understand the truths of the prophets, sin, God’s love, salvation, and what it means to be a disciple of Christ.

After involvement in this ministry in a previous short term placement with AIM in Chad, Paul returned to this ministry. Having developed deep friendships with a number of previous students, he continued to invest in those relationships, praying that God will grant more opportunities to follow up with more personal discussions about Christ and his saving work. Paul also prioritised language learning, with a view to building better connections with those that he knows outside of the context of teaching English.

Paul returned to the UK in February 2022 and is now looking for a new assignment.

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Chad became independent from France in 1960. Since then, its politics have been characterised by violence, coups and insurgencies. It is a secular state with freedom of religion. Muslims are dominant in government, trade and the army, although they are only just the majority religion (approx 53%). LEARN MORE

Outreach & Evangelism

We long to let all Africa's people know that they can have life, in all its fullness, for comfort rather than being in fear of breaking taboos or working to earn favour in the eyes of their gods. LEARN MORE
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