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Margot DeSouza

Sent from Christ Church at All Saints Wandsworth

Margot grew up in South Africa. Although she went to church as a child, it was in late 2009 when she first understood that her sin separated her from God and she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour. Even at this early stage, Margot had a desire for mission work in Africa.

In 2011 Margot moved to London, UK, and lived there until she began serving as a missionary with AIM. During her time in London, Margot’s desire for mission work in Africa grew and, in 2017, doors began opening. A trip to visit mission partners in Rwanda in 2017 confirmed this desire, as well as conversations with other missionaries.

Margot began contacting mission organisations and commenced Bible studies at the Proclamation Trust in London. In 2019, Margot was sent by her home church, Christ Church at All Saints, to become a staff member at The Bridge. The Bridge Church is based on an estate in Battersea and has given Margot the opportunity to evangelise and disciple in a cross-cultural context.

Over the years, Margot’s desire for mission work began to focus more on unreached people groups in Africa, leading her to reach out to AIM. In 2020 Margot was accepted as a member of AIM, supported by her sending church, Christ Church at All Saints.

From 2021 to 2023, Margot was part of a Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team in a rural village in Tanzania, where she and her teammates built relationships and shared the gospel with their Muslim neighbours.

In 2023, Margot met Fernando, another AIM missionary working in Chad. Margot and Fernando got married in December 2023 and are currently preparing to return to Chad by the end of 2024. In the meantime, they are living in France where they are learning French, one of the three languages they will need to know to communicate with the people of Chad. Margot and Fernando plan to live and work among the K-people in Chad, an unreached Muslim people group. Their desire, along with their teammates, is to see a church planted among the K-people.

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Chad became independent from France in 1960. Since then, its politics have been characterised by violence, coups and insurgencies. It is a secular state with freedom of religion. Muslims are dominant in government, trade and the army, although they are only just the majority religion (approx 53%). LEARN MORE


TIMO is Training In Ministry Outreach. It is a two-year programme that trains new cross-cultural workers from around the world to do ministry in Africa. LEARN MORE
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