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Sent from Hebron Evangelical Church, Aberdeen

Kay leads a medical team in the Indian Ocean Islands.

Kay has had an interest in mission work since childhood. After graduating from university and working for a couple of years as a nurse, she became part of a Training In Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team working in the Indian Ocean Islands in 2011. After the TIMO team finished, she returned to the Islands and worked as a nurse in a small government-run clinic, before moving in 2020 to lead a church-planting healthcare team.

During her time on the Islands, Kay learned and experienced how a team can become family through the ups and downs of team life. She learned how to share what she believes in ways that can be understood in the local worldview; and, most importantly, she has learned and seen the power of prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit in changing lives, and that is what she desperately desires for these island people.

From the very beginning, the team has had challenges, but they have seen God’s faithfulness in apparent setbacks: health issues forced them to rely on his strength instead of their own; delays in receiving work permits gave extra time for learning the local language and building relationships with others in the community; and working in healthcare in a very different environment from what they are used to has helped them grow in humility.

Since the team began, they have had the opportunity to support local believers and grow together in a desire to share the gospel with others. They have had the privilege of caring for people from first to last breaths; sat with their community and shared God’s word with seekers; and have seen people get exciting about hearing God’s truth. They long for more workers to join them; for more of the Bible to be available in the local language and for more people to grapple with it; for more lives to be transformed by God and for those lives in turn to impact others.

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Indian Ocean Islands

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