Donate to Kathleen Quellmalz

Kathleen Quellmalz

Sent from Evangelical Lutheran Church, St Bartholomai, Treuen, Germany

Kathleen has been serving with AIM among street children in Tanzania since 1995.

Kathleen works with Safina Street Network in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In her role as Director, Kathleen seeks to equip and guide staff in the various areas of the ministry and seek God’s will along with the leadership team for future development.

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Latest Prayer News


Tanzania is one of the world’s poorest nations; agricultural subsistence dominates its economy. Health and education sectors require massive investments.There is freedom of religion; all major faiths have the ability to share and propagate their faith. Christianity makes up 54% of the population with Islam totalling 31%. LEARN MORE

Children & Youth

In sharing the gospel with children & young people our hope is to develop disciple making disciples – to demonstrate God’s immeasurable love for children and to offer them the reassurance and peace that a relationship with him can bring. LEARN MORE
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