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Sent from Abbeyhill Baptist Church, Edinburgh

Kathleen served as Health Coordinator and Short-Term Coordinator for AIM’s Central Region in Uganda and is now working as part of AIM’s Borderless ministry, sharing the gospel with African people in the UK. 

Kathleen’s AIM story began in 1998 when she worked as a Paediatric Nurse in Kuluva Hospital in northern Uganda. After spending two years at the hospital, Kathleen studied at All Nations Christian College for two years before applying for long term service with AIM. She began serving in the Ssese Islands on Lake Victoria in 2004.

When Kathleen first started working on the Islands she was mainly involved in helping facilitate health care for those infected with HIV/Aids on the mainland. In Uganda the national prevalence rate is said to be around 7.4% whereas on the Islands the prevalence rate is reported to be around 30%. There are many problems on the Islands, and these problems are exacerbated by traditional beliefs that attribute illness to witchcraft, further breaking down trust within families and communities and covering up the true causes of disease.

On the Ssese Islands Kathleen was primarily involved in caring for adults and children suffering with HIV/Aids, as well as many other tropical and communicable diseases. This work involved helping people to access good medical care on the mainland. She was also involved in health education and in training pastors and other community members in Community Health Evangelism.

Since October 2019 Kathleen has served as the Health Coordinator for AIM’s Central Region. This involved caring for, and helping, AIM’s missionaries to access the best healthcare possible when they need it, as well as giving some simple health education for those working in remote areas. Besides this, she engaged in discipleship, and in training and mobilising Africans to mission. As part of this she participated in the Nurses’ Christian Fellowship in Kampala.

Kathleen now uses her experience as a nurse to work with a local organisation to reach out to African People in her local area.

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