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Caroline Bell

Sent from Monyhull Church, Kings Norton

Caroline partners with churches in Moroto, Uganda, to envision, equip, mobilise and encourage believers to reach out to rural communities with the gospel.

When she was young Caroline was fascinated by Africa, and she believes that even then God was creating in her a desire to be involved in his mission there.

She trained to be a doctor, seeing that as a very practical way to demonstrate God’s love and serve those who do not ordinarily have access to medical help. After working short term in several different ministries Caroline believed God’s call was for her to live and work with those who don’t know Christ.

The Karimojong live in the north east corner of Uganda in a semi-arid area. They are cattle herders who move frequently in order to find pasture for their animals and to evade cattle raiders. There are relatively few Christians in Karamoja and Christianity is often seen as another way to protect oneself from evil or to bring prosperity. Churches can be found in the larger towns but have limited presence in rural villages. The Bible has been translated into the Karimojong language, and there is an audio recording of the New Testament

In Moroto, AIM has joined with missionaries from two other mission organisations to form the Karamoja Missionary Partnership (KAMP). Their vision is to see communities within Karamoja transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to see biblically-faithful, reproducing churches planted. To this end, they are working together with local churches through sharing a vision for mission; equipping, mobilising and encouraging local churches and their members to reach out to different communities. They have a particular focus on outreach to rural communities because many villages have limited or no gospel witness.

One significant encouragement has been the creation of a monthly forum where church leaders and members from different denominations come together to pray, share experiences and ideas, learn, and plan strategically. KAMP hopes that by gathering together, and sharing different experiences, ideas and resources, ways to over come some of the practical challenges of rural ministry can be found.

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