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Sent from St Giles Church, Northampton

Ann works among an unreached people group in northern Chad, supporting a local church through leading the women’s group and being part of the church’s leadership team, as well as talking to people about following Jesus. She also treats mentally ill and epileptic patients in the government district hospital.

She has been working with AIM in Africa since 1988, first at Kapsowar hospital in Kenya, before moving to Chad in 2004. Her work in Kapsowar prepared her well for Chad, teaching her administration skills and giving experience in a wide range of medical work. She was also very involved in church work, preaching in a local church and helping to run seminars training elders, women and youth leaders of the district’s churches. She began working in Chad at Bebalem Hospital, caring for patients and running the coordination of the church’s health centres, aiming to train others in good-quality Christian medical care.

In April 2015 Ann moved to the north of the country to work among an unreached people group. She was involved in sharing the gospel with local people and discipling believers; as well as encouraging women and teenagers at a small Arabic-speaking church; and treating mentally ill and epileptic patients.

In February 2020, Ann moved to a large village among the Neem* people. She works in a small hospital mainly seeing mentally ill and epileptic patients twice per week. The rest of her time is spent in continuing language learning and in building relationships with local women sharing the gospel where possible and preparing for a future team. She also tries to support the work of the local church, whose members are all from southern Chad. Services are conducted in French but there are many ethnic groups represented and significant numbers of women hardly speak French. In 2022 Ann started leading the church’s women’s group, helping to disciple these women so that they grow in their understanding of God and the Christian life. Ann also meets up with local people who are want to know more about Jesus, using Bible stories and the God Story film in the local language to help them understand what it means to follow him.

Much prayer is needed for the church, for a team to help Ann in the work of reaching out, and for language learning since in some areas Arabic is spoken, in other areas they use the local language, and in church and hospital French is used.

Could you partner with Ann in this work?

*Name of people group changed for their security.

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