Short term doctors in North Africa

Do you want to explore what mission using your medical skills in a creative access context might look like? Join this team in North Africa short term to explore your burden for these unreached people.


We cannot disclose the location of this placement for security reasons. 

Many of the unreached people in Africa live in the Islamic north of the continent, in areas closed to missionary work. This video highlights the importance of having workers in these regions to live ordinary lives; lives that reach people with the Gospel. They use their relationships as a way of sharing their testimony so people will want to know Jesus.

Vision and Strategy

Our vision is to place gospel couriers into spiritually dark locations, seeking the grow the local body of believers by living Jesus, inquiring about and challenging current belief systems, encouraging spiritual growth and maturity, and modelling Christ-likeness.

Physicians in all disciplines are valued highly by the communities we are serving in North Africa. That is both in terms of clinical medicine as well as both classroom and bedside teaching. This value not only provides a strong identity over the long term, but also provides opportunities to build relationships and proclaim the gospel. In other words, we believe in the doctor’s responsibility to strive to alleviate suffering, especially the eternal kind. Therefore, we see a physician’s work in our location being a both/and in terms of word and deed where one’s work identity and testimony are seamless; where the message is proclaimed through the work of medicine and creative speech.

These jobs are not to be considered as merely a ‘platform’ or an excuse to get a visa. Whatever job a worker does, he/she needs to do it honestly and proficiently, and use it to serve the community. However, the job is not an end in itself or a sufficient witness. We will seek occasions, on or off the job, to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ministry and type of work

This is an opportunity for a doctor to support a team in a training capacity. The person who fills this role wll focus on their professional identity while also living an intentional Christian lifestyle and appropriately sharing the gospel.

Major taks:

  • Work and live in community;
  • Develop relationships as language/cultural understanding deepens, while working in a legitimate professional vocation
  • Live an intentional Christian lifestyle
  • Proclaim the gospel in culturally sensitive/effective ways

We are looking for someone who loves Jesus in a personal way, has strong interpersonal skills and has a burden for the unreached, especially Muslims. You will need to be flexible; teachable; humble; persevering; forgiving; patient; a self-starter; an independent thinker yet team oriented; committed to ever growing in local culture; growing in knowledge of faith/theology/doctrine/the Bible.

You should also have a sense that God may be calling you to live/proclaim the gospel in location long term.

Experience and Qualifications

  • Call to live/proclaim the gospel in creative access setting
  • A 4-year degree & required licenses/certification
  • Basic knowledge of Islam, and basic understanding of culture

Other information

Accommodation will be rented and be locally appropriate

Duration: a couple of weeks – a couple of months


Usually we will only facilitate opportunities for someone to repeatedly go on short term placements if there is a genuine desire to serve long term and the repeated placements are seen as preparation for longer term service. However there are some specialist opportunities that would be suitable for someone to go and serve in more regularly. Please get in touch to find out more.

Different countries in Africa require different injections. Some injections will be advised rather than required, so our advice is always to contact your local doctor's surgery to find out what injections you will need. You can do your own research on the internet to get a feel for what’s best (,, but please always seek professional advice.

The approximate cost of a placement is £600-£1,800 for 1-4 weeks, £3,000 for 3 months, £4,500 for 6 months, and £7,000 for 12 months (though this will vary depending on the country and type of placement).

Don’t forget to ask your church about ways they can help you to raise support. You can also earn the money, apply for grants, organise a sponsored event or hold an information evening about what you will be involved in. Further guidance on raising support will be given once you have been accepted onto the short term programme.

Intéressé ? Contacte-nous

Bonjour, je m'appelle Jessica. Si cette opportunité t'intéresse ou si tu as des questions, n'hésite pas à nous contacter.

Interested in serving form (FR)

Short term (under a year)

There are many ways to serve short term. Whether on a team, as an individual, on a medical elective, or as a Bible college placement, short term with AIM fits into our long term ministry of reaching Africa’s unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE

Creative Access

We use ‘Creative Access’ to refer to nations, areas or ministries where there is great hostility towards Christianity and where traditional ‘missionary work’ is not possible. Workers, therefore, need to be ‘creative’ in how they proclaim the liberating news of Jesus Christ. In North Africa alone, 200 million people from 472 unreached people groups are unreached with the gospel. That’s 200 million people unknowingly heading for a Christ-less eternity. LEARN MORE


We long to see Health Professionals practising, modelling and mentoring competent, compassionate medicine, but doing so in places where they will influence unreached people groups for Christ. LEARN MORE
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