Make a difference in Marsabit

The town of Marsabit is the political, social and economic centre of northern Kenya.

The town is set in an arid country with a largely pastoral economy based on livestock husbandry. Most of the people groups of northern Kenya are well represented in the town, including the Samburu, Rendille, Gabbra, and Borana, all of whom remain unreached with the gospel.

Almost all young educated men and women from northern Kenya spend significant time in Marsabit. They come seeking education and training as well as employment opportunities. Marsabit  is the location where one can influence the greatest number of future leaders for the church of northern Kenya. 

Location: Marsabit, Northern Kenya


What’s the vision?

The greatest problem facing the church in northern Kenya is the lack of biblically trained leaders able to reach their own communities and the unreached groups living near them. In order to produce Christ-like leaders, the vision is to place a team focused on Bible teaching, mentoring and discipleship in Marsabit.

What would the team do?

 – Teach at the Northern Bible Training Centre to train new and current church leaders for the peoples of Northern Kenya.

– Disciple young, potential Christian leaders across all spheres of life (church, political, business, medical, leaders). Team members will consider it a vital part of their role to build relationships and intentionally disciple young men and women and to share the gospel message of Christ’s death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins.

– Provide medical support for the Marsabit government hospital and for AIM missionaries across Northern Kenya. 

– Provide occasional ongoing training for church leaders of the Africa Inland Church and other denominations in and around Marsabit town. 

What skills do I need to join the team?

We need:
Bible teachers – These members will teach courses at the Northern Bible Training Centre and be involved in personal mentoring and discipleship of key future leaders. They will have theological education and ideally Bible teaching experience. 

Medical workers – These members will work in the Marsabit Government Hospital and focus on training Christian leaders in that role. Additional support will be provided to outlying Africa Inland Church health centres throughout Marsabit County as time and energy allows. 

Secondary school teachers – These members will be involved in the Marsabit public schools and will be involved in outreach and discipleship of secondary school students, teaching various subjects at secondary school level according to expertise/ability/training; be involved in discipleship opportunities. 

Children’s workers – These members will teach a children’s ministry module to the Bible students. In addition, they will be involved in children’s ministry in the local church and in the local schools.

Start Date:


Length of Term:

We expect all long term members to commit to a minimum of two years. It is desired that members will stay for four or more years to allow for adequate orientation and long-term continuity. 


The easiest way is to fill out the contact us form on our website. Once we receive that form, we’ll be in touch to arrange a time to discuss together how the Lord is leading you.

Yes. The Bible makes it clear that the church sends missionaries (e.g. Acts 13) and has an ongoing pastoral responsibility for them. As much as AIM is a key partner in the process and facilitates ministry in Africa, we will not accept into membership anyone who does not have a positive recommendation and support from their church. AIM will discuss your application with your church leaders – after all they know you better than we do – as together we seek to discern that this is God’s calling for you.

Listen to Tim Matthews, one of our Mission Advisors, talking about the churches role in sending missionaries:

A number of pastors also share their thoughts in these clips:

Every mission organisation is different, and no one organisation is necessarily better than another. It’s more about finding an organisation that’s a good fit for you, where your calling and the organisation’s calling and values are a good match. AIM’s emphasis is on reaching those who have yet to hear the gospel, and all our ministry - long and short term - is designed to see Christ-centred churches among all African peoples. Regardless of how long you serve for and the different gifts, skills and experience you bring with you, your ministry will be part of that bigger goal. That may mean going to difficult or hard to reach places to share the gospel. Working in partnership with the local church in Africa, we labour for the over 300 million people living in Africa who have little opportunity to hear the gospel, and even less to be discipled as a follower of Jesus. Is God calling you to go to them?

Listen to Tim Matthews, one of our Mission Advisors, explaining why we’re passionate about reaching those who have yet to hear the gospel:


As a missionary teacher I’ve seen how vital on-field teaching support is. Not just for the parents but for their children too.

Intéressé ? Contacte-nous

Bonjour, je m'appelle Jessica. Si cette opportunité t'intéresse ou si tu as des questions, n'hésite pas à nous contacter.

Interested in serving form (FR)

Long term ( Over a year )

Our passion is to see Christ-centred churches among all African peoples. Currently there are over 1,000 people groups in Africa or 316 million people, who are waiting to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to engage with these unreached people, partner with churches in Africa to raise up gospel workers and equip African church leaders to strengthen the church. Could you play a part?. LEARN MORE


Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963. Since then British tourism has been a key element of Kenya’s economy, however, unemployment, poverty and crime remain high. Whilst the majority religion is Christianity, Kenya’s ethnic diversity and vast countryside means there are still many unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE


Teaching is not just a support ministry. It's vital in sharing the gospel, displaying Christ and helping children and young people to thrive. Could you use your gifts and skills to make Jesus known among the nations? LEARN MORE

Bible & Theology

Theological & biblical training exists to serve the church to participate in God’s mission in this world — it is about following Jesus, learning from him and growing to be like him. LEARN MORE
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