Children’s team helper in Kenya

Could you be a helper for a children’s group at a conference? Come and help the children of brand new mission workers think through their own transition as they arrive in Africa with their families.


AIM’s new long term missionaries begin their time in Africa with a three week Africa Based Orientation (ABO) in Kenya. ABO is there to introduce new missionaries to the core values of being an AIM missionary. Our short term support teams provide a vital ministry in caring for the children of new missionaries and helping in their own transition and  orientation.


Nakuru, Kenya

Ministry & Type of work

While parents attend the adult orientation, their children also enjoy a structured children’s programme designed to immerse them into life and ministry in Africa at an age-appropriate level. The children’s team assist in delivering the orientation which is lead by a local team member, and support the children as well through their time at ABO.  This ministry makes a great difference to the children as they prepare for their new lives in Africa.  Following the completion of the three week orientation, there is an option, if available, to spend another one week exploring other AIM ministries in Kenya. This week can be extended if desired.  There is also the opportunity to meet new AIM missionaries.

Qualifications & Experience

  • previous experience of working with children
  • the ability to engage and relate to children/youth

Other Info

Start Date: January, July and October each year

Duration: at least 4 weeks

Each conference is different and the size and age range of the group of children will vary each time.

Resources to promote this opportunity

Use these videos and images to help you promote this opportunity on social media or in your church.


Yes. Whether you go on a team assignment with other short termers, or an individual assignment, you will be part of a team once out on the field. Both teams and individuals will be placed within teams of long term workers and you will be a part of supporting their ongoing ministries.

Listen to one of our missionaries sharing about being a part of a team:

Yes, you must be a born-again Christian with an active and growing relationship with Jesus Christ and agree with AIM's statement of faith. AIM is an evangelical Christian mission agency. We work in partnership with the African church to reach Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ, and to develop leaders for the fast-growing church.

Costs vary from country to country and depending on your personal circumstances. The costs of living across the continent vary greatly, and of course the variables of family size and age of children and their education needs will have an effect too.

One of our retired missionaries, Peter Maclure, shares about counting the cost: 

Mark Phippen

Good member care can make the difference between flourishing and merely coping on the mission field, between retiring strong and retiring bitter or disillusioned, between a whole career and a single term. And it can make the difference between another generation following in our footsteps or taking one look at missions and deciding it’s just too costly a path.

Intéressé ? Contacte-nous

Bonjour, je m'appelle Jessica. Si cette opportunité t'intéresse ou si tu as des questions, n'hésite pas à nous contacter.

Interested in serving form (FR)

Short term (under a year)

There are many ways to serve short term. Whether on a team, as an individual, on a medical elective, or as a Bible college placement, short term with AIM fits into our long term ministry of reaching Africa’s unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE


Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963. Since then British tourism has been a key element of Kenya’s economy, however, unemployment, poverty and crime remain high. Whilst the majority religion is Christianity, Kenya’s ethnic diversity and vast countryside means there are still many unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE

Support, Logistics & Pastoral Care

Seeing unreached people reached is fruit of the body of Christ in action. That can mean pilots, qualified counsellors, administrators, photographers all helping and supporting the task of making Jesus known. LEARN MORE

Children & Youth

In sharing the gospel with children & young people our hope is to develop disciple making disciples – to demonstrate God’s immeasurable love for children and to offer them the reassurance and peace that a relationship with him can bring. LEARN MORE
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