Many of the nations in AIM’s Central Region are spiritually dark places. Political instability, poverty and violence have made these areas a hostile place for the church. Yet God uses the church to transform lives and bring people into his kingdom. Pastors in these places are asking for missionaries to come and support their work. It’s a challenge and a hard calling but we’re called to move against fear. Can we afford to wait for things to become easier before we act?
Le Royaume de Dieu à Madagascar
Melias est un missionnaire malgache. Il a quitté son emploi d’ingénieur en construction parce qu’il était déterminé à en apprendre davantage sur la mission. Il implante des églises et fait des disciples parmi les nouveaux croyants à Ikongo chez les Tanala et à NosyBe chez les Sakalava.