Down to the details

Meet Kathryn

‘Where other lords beside thee hold their unhindered sway, where forces that defied thee defy thee still today, with none to heed their crying for life and love and light, unnumbered souls are dying and pass into the night.’ I can’t sing that verse of Frank Houghton’s ‘Facing A Task Unfinished’ dry-eyed because of how it describes the millions of people in our world who are living and dying without hope, because nobody has told them how to come to God and be saved. What can we do about this? We need to either go and tell them ourselves, or send others to do it.

Although I don’t serve overseas, I love using my administrative skills to be involved in sending others to those unreached with the gospel. Missionaries are sent to the front lines of the spiritual battle, and nobody should be sent there unprepared, unequipped or unsupported. In the Personnel department of our Nottingham office we help AIM’s missionaries to prepare for service and then support them throughout their ministry, right until the point where they finish their time with AIM. 

Could you help us?

AIM’s role is to help and support the local church in sending missionaries to those who have yet to know about Jesus. 

Often this involves a lot of administrative work that is not glamorous but is essential to ensure that missionaries thrive. The burden of practical considerations, like ensuring medical cover is in place, is taken on by Kathryn and our Personnel department, freeing up time for both the local church and their missionaries to focus on gospel ministry. Could you help sustain this vital work? 

To partner with AIM financially visit, or contact our Nottingham office on 0115 9838120.

For prayer information from the Nottingham office, download our prayer letter available at:

As Personnel Administrator I am involved in the practicalities of how we do this. Tasks such as arranging insurance, updating the database, or answering emails could be done in any office, but knowing that doing these well frees up our missionaries to focus on sharing the gospel gives me a real passion for my work. I’m also able to serve our supporters by giving them fuel for prayer through updating missionaries’ information on our website. Generally, my job is about getting the right information to the right people so that they can play their part as best as they can – whether they are missionaries on the field, my fellow staff supporting them from the office, or those supporting all of us in prayer.   

Picture of Kathryn Hubbard

Kathryn Hubbard

Kathryn works as Personnel Administrator in the AIM Europe office.

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