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Des portes ouvertes à Montréal

J'ai rejoint une équipe qui travaillait déjà auprès de la diaspora africaine. Ils travaillent particulièrement avec les immigrés d'Afrique du Nord ; des personnes qui sont arrivées en tant qu’étrangers voire réfugiés et qui ont grandement besoin de connaître l’amour de Jésus. La tâche est immense, mais le Seigneur m’a rappelée qu’Il nous demande de venir à Lui avec nos 5 pains et nos 2 poissons. C’est Lui qui multiplie, qui fait fructifier selon sa grâce !

Who are you?

Here’s a good question: who are you? Defining ourselves is often complex. Most of us have a mental list of our identities. This would be my list: woman, mother, retired police officer, single, British, daughter, missionary… I could go on. 

Trust and obey

Jessica Goldschmidt-Habyarimana talks about ministry as a single woman and how she is trusting in God for the future. 

He is enough

Elle* has recently started serving on the Indian Ocean Islands. She talks about what ministry there is like as a single woman.

In his timing

Meet Margot Knight and Hannah Jackson, who are both planning to join a team in Likawage, Tanzania, towards the end of this year.

Opening our lives

Miriam and Owen Pugh are part of a team living among the Alagwa people in Tanzania. They are involved in an oral translation of the Bible into Alagwaisa, alongside community projects to improve access to water. Miriam shares with us the dynamics of being a woman in the Alagwa community, and what really matters when it comes to sharing the gospel.  

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.