Histoires d'hommes et de femmes en Afrique
Découvrez comment Dieu travaille à travers la vie de gens ordinaires pour étendre son royaume. Lisez des récits d'africains et de missionnaires, envoyés du monde entier, qui cherchent à partager la bonne nouvelle avec ceux qui ne l'ont pas encore entendue.
Learning to lead
When Bridget Howard was reading the Bible, she accompanied Moses in his journey through the wilderness as he executed his God-given task of leadership.
Guided by God
François and Florence Andriantsalama are Malagasy missionaries from the Vezo and Masikoro people groups.
Ordinary men
One of the constants for Tony and Cath Swanson over their twenty years in Tanzania as ministries, programmes and locations have changed, has been the rich personal relationships that they have established.
In our community
A missionary couple share the blessings and challenge of working among Africans in the UK.
Going to the hard places
As Miriam Butcher looks back, she’s able to acknowledge God’s faithfulness, goodness and grace as she has celebrated AIM’s 75, 100 and now 125 anniversaries.
Sophie’s story
Sophie* became a believer a few years ago, and one of our workers on the Islands has been privileged to witness and be part of her journey.
A diverse task
If you were to walk along the streets of Cardiff, it wouldn’t take long for you to notice the ethnic and religious diversity.
From the beginning
Justin, AIM’s Unit Leader, shares the story of AIM’s ministry in Chad, as we look at the past, present and future, through the person of Moussa.
The church will stand
Wendy Atkins shares how the church, planted in the southeast corner of French Equatorial Africa, now the country of Central African Republic (CAR), has grown despite rebellions, wars, and consistent country-wide insecurity.
Still gathering, still praying
Christine Oliver shares how she was able to witness God at work, bringing together his perfect plan, as she served as a trained nurse and midwife in the Central African Republic.