Histoires d'hommes et de femmes en Afrique

Découvrez comment Dieu travaille à travers la vie de gens ordinaires pour étendre son royaume. Lisez des récits d'africains et de missionnaires, envoyés du monde entier, qui cherchent à partager la bonne nouvelle avec ceux qui ne l'ont pas encore entendue.

Sharing lives with the Lopit

Last year Andrew Chard had the opportunity to visit the Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team working amongst the Lopit people of South Sudan.

Reaching the unreached in North Africa

Northern Region encompasses 18 countries with a total population of over 362 million people. Only 0.05% of this total are evangelical believers, 90% are Muslim, 200 million form 472 unreached people groups.
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Sam Williamson on UCB radio

In December, Sam was interviewed on UCB radio about the Shepherds and the TIMO teams desire to reach them with the good news of Jesus Christ and plant a church among them.

Why bother: with Church Planting?

Amelia lives and works on an Indian Ocean Island as part of a church planting team. We asked her, in the context of her work, why bother with church planting and what benefit it has in reaching the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ?

Samburu update: Snakes, tragedy and accepted as one of them

F* is part of a TIMO team seeking to reach the unreached Samburu. In a recent newsletter, he shared this sad yet hopeful story.

The Shepherds team are off

The ‘Extreme TIMO Team’ reaching the Shepherds of Lesotho has finally begun! The international team is made up of five energetic and adventurous young men; Caleb, Spencer, Tobias, Mark and Chris, with Sam as their team leader.
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Surveying the Ik

For over nine years, AIM has been praying for the 7000 unreached Ik in Northeast Uganda, with the desire to place a Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team among them and tell them the good news of Jesus Christ. But why bother with such a small and forgotten people?

Discipling Veterinary Students in Uganda

The dream of many Ugandans struggling in poverty is of a successful poultry farm. Unfortunately, many of these ‘would-be’ farmers often find themselves plagued by unhealthy animals. In desperation, these farmers turn to their community vet. But an honest vet is hard to find.

New Zealand: Mobilising Mission

We asked the New Zealand mobilising team what they were doing to help send people to reach the unreached and Alan Cousins, Mobiliser for Ireland, shares some of his challenges in mobilising people to go…

Bible & Theology in Rwanda

Loots & Nancy Lambrechts from Dundonald Church, Wimbledon are working at the Preach the Word training course in Kigali, Rwanda. Here they talk about the need and vision for Bible training…

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.