Histoires d'hommes et de femmes en Afrique

Découvrez comment Dieu travaille à travers la vie de gens ordinaires pour étendre son royaume. Lisez des récits d'africains et de missionnaires, envoyés du monde entier, qui cherchent à partager la bonne nouvelle avec ceux qui ne l'ont pas encore entendue.

My tooth is Steve

The Institute of Bible & Ministry (IBM) is a theological programme designed to enable, mobilise and inspire the 140 pastors and evangelists of the Africa Inland Church (AIC) in eastern Tanzania. Steve & Ruth Lancaster share…

Reaching the San

The San (or Bushmen) are the oldest inhabitants of Southern Africa and renowned for their survival and hunting skills, and rich cultural traditions.

Demonstrating God’s love in Kijabe

Pete & Libby Halestrap seek to serve the people attending and working in Kijabe Hospital Kenya. Here they share about the role the hospital has in outreach and evangelism.

Engaging Muslims in Madagascar

We are looking to establish a new Focus team in Madagascar, reaching out to Muslim youth through English language clubs and sports as well as engaging with young Muslim women through teaching English at a university.

Into the Didinga hills

Our vision is to see Christ-centred churches across South Sudan; mature churches that are passionate about mission, reaching out to people groups like those in the Didinga hills who have yet to hear the gospel.

Your calling, multiplied

What does TIMO leadership look like? Lead, teach, facilitate, share, learn, grow.... Be a part of TIMO.

The voice of the Laarim

The Laarim share "We are here in darkness because from Sunday to Monday there is no one to read us the word of God or to pray for us."

Home from home?

How do you prepare for a week living with people whom you have never met before and share no common language with, in a culture totally alien to your own?

Equipping Francophone Europe for Mission

Gilles & Myriam Bonvallat first worked with AIM in Zaire, and then in Rwanda from 1997 to 2013. Now they’re heading up AIM’s mobilisation work in francophone Europe. Here they discuss the challenges ahead.

Why bother with: Children & youth

F.R.O.G. …Fully rely on God…does that sound familiar? If it does, you’re probably in your early 20s…a slogan chanted across many Sunday schools and youth programmes in the 90s! Many of those that sang (or danced) to this ditty are involved in missions today.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.