Histoires d'hommes et de femmes en Afrique

Découvrez comment Dieu travaille à travers la vie de gens ordinaires pour étendre son royaume. Lisez des récits d'africains et de missionnaires, envoyés du monde entier, qui cherchent à partager la bonne nouvelle avec ceux qui ne l'ont pas encore entendue.

Finding the lost

Trafficked as a child, growing up on the streets. Abused, neglected, cold and frightened. That is the reality for many of the young people that Dwelling Places (a Christian NGO) works with in Uganda.

Change and being changed

In January 2018 a new team began serving among the Swahili speaking people along the coast of southern Tanzania. Living a similar lifestyle to their community, the team have spent a year learning Swahili and developing friendships where team members can discuss faith.

Channels of hope

When I started working in the Aids Awareness Programme in 2002, Aids was a taboo. Nobody talked about it, and people who tested positive hid their test results from others. People discriminated against those with the disease and even stigmatised them.

Into the light

How is the gospel making a difference to the Laarim? Carin De Leeuw shares some thoughts.

The effect of the gospel

Believing the truth of the gospel of grace pours light into the darkness of fear and loneliness, gives hope to those crushed by sickness, and purpose to those in despair. 

“God is at work here”

Our village leader, Mwenyekiti, is a force to be reckoned with. She is well respected in the village and is full of wisdom. She is also adamantly opposed to hearing about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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Meet short termer Amos

Amos grew up in Kenya. After finishing University in September 2018, Amos decided to go to Dukana in northern Kenya for a year, to serve the Gabbra people.

Work & Cultural Renewal

I am often asked: “Should Christians be involved in shaping culture?” My answer is that we can’t not be involved in shaping culture.

Our relationship with creation

For an African, the land and the spirit world are very closely linked. The blessings that come from the land are directly related to the ancestors, and witchcraft is practised to ensure good crops. August Basson shares about the need to restore our right relationship with creation.

Rearranging the furniture

Eddie Arthur, in his excellent blog post ‘Gospel and Culture’ said: “When the homeless gospel comes into a culture as a guest, it is an awkward guest – quite rude in fact. Rather than just settling down to do things your way, the gospel starts to move the furniture around and redecorate the house.”

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.