Histoires d'hommes et de femmes en Afrique

Découvrez comment Dieu travaille à travers la vie de gens ordinaires pour étendre son royaume. Lisez des récits d'africains et de missionnaires, envoyés du monde entier, qui cherchent à partager la bonne nouvelle avec ceux qui ne l'ont pas encore entendue.

Life out of death

Writing in 1917, Mabel S Grimes set out to give a fuller picture to the British public of how God was at work in Africa, and the ways in which AIM were serving his purposes. 

Graciously led

“You shall remember all the way the Lord your God has led you.” Deuteronomy 8:2. Rosemary Molyneux shares her memories from her time in Kenya. 

To boldly share

A former TIMO team member serving in Chad shares what is it like to live there and share the gospel with those around her. 

Worth the cost of comfort

One of our team leaders serving on the Indian Ocean Islands shares how her TIMO experience fortifies her current ministry.

Meeting a need

A TIMO team leader working among a Muslim people group in the Tanzanian hills shares some stories of God at work.

The political history of Chad

Chad is a landlocked country in north central Africa that has been inhabited since the 7th millennium BC. The formation of states began across central Chad in the 1st century AD. Most of these states began as kingdoms, where the king was considered divine and endowed with temporal and spiritual powers...

An introduction to Africa Inland Mission

Africa Inland Mission serves and partners with churches to fulfil the Great Commission and advance the gospel among Africans who have the least opportunity to hear about Jesus.

An impact for future ministry

Steve Auld, who is now serving as a pastor, reflects on how his experience on a TIMO team shapes his current ministry in Belfast. 

Stepping out in faith

A missionary who has recently returned to the UK shares their mission story with us, and how it began with joining a TIMO team in Samburu, Kenya. 

Equipped for life

Chris and Sarah served in Mayotte from 2010-2019, the first few years of which were on a TIMO team. Last year they, and their four children, moved from Mayotte to Nairobi to work in AIM’s Southern Region office. We asked Chris and Sarah how their experience on a TIMO team shaped their future ministry. 

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.