AIM Ministry : Healthcare

We long to see healthcare professionals practising, modelling and mentoring competent, compassionate medicine, but doing so in places where they will influence unreached people groups for Christ.

For many years healthcare professionals wishing to be involved in cross-cultural mission in Africa have been encouraged to partner with church health care providers. However, the church/mission hospital paradigm is less applicable these days and alternative models are increasingly appropriate. This might involve partnerships with governments or other NGOs, basic community health work or a variety of creative alternatives. The need for this kind of health ministry is everywhere – we don’t aspire, however, to trying to meet that need anywhere, but more strategically among unreached people (directly or indirectly).

Often it’s more appropriate to go to a place, live there and figure out, in conjunction with the local community, how to be involved after one arrives. The idea that you can take a pre-determined programme or plan and simply implement it may exist in the popular Western mindset (all these needy people need the help that we can offer), but we aspire to more than simply doing things for people and communities.


Medics in Mandritsara

Katy Linley works at Good News Hospital in Mandritsara on the island of Madagascar. One of her’s and husband Mat’s recent prayer letters gives us a glimpse into some of the challenges that she faces in her work.


New ministries amongst the unreached in Chad

In August a team will begin work amongst the unreached Maba people of eastern Chad. The team will be lead by Ann Fursdon and includes Catherine Grier and the Bright family from Canada. We asked Ann and Catherine to share their thoughts on this upcoming team.


Physiotherapy In Uganda

Lydia Morrell had just graduated from the University of Ulster with a degree in Physiotherapy when she left Northern Ireland to go on Short Term mission to Uganda. Here she shares her experiences:


Madagascar update

Stella is a presenter at the Voice of the Good News Radio station in Mandritsara, part of the Good News Hospital project. We also asked Phoebe (9); Jonah (7) and Barnaby (3) their thoughts on living in Madagascar.


There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.