AIM Ministry : Children & Youth

Children & youth make up a large part of Africa. In fact, 47% of Africans are under the age of 18, which means it’s hard to do ministry in Africa without affecting young people. There are so many ways to minister to children & youth in Africa, from working among street children in Uganda, caring for the needs of children in South Sudan, running a kids club among an unreached people or supporting mission conferences by providing the children’s work. Our desire in all of these activities is to share Jesus, make him known and encourage children in their own walk with him.

In sharing the gospel with children & young people our hope is to develop disciple making disciples – to demonstrate God’s immeasurable love for children and to offer them the reassurance and peace that a relationship with him can bring. For missionaries children and even children in the UK we hope there will be an excitement for all that God is doing in our world and an awareness that they can play a part in that activity, now and in the future.

Could you be part of this incredible life changing work? Could you be involved in a child’s journey of faith & development and be part of what God is doing in Africa and across the world?



Finding the lost

Trafficked as a child, growing up on the streets. Abused, neglected, cold and frightened. That is the reality for many of the young people that Dwelling Places (a Christian NGO) works with in Uganda.


“God is at work here”

Our village leader, Mwenyekiti, is a force to be reckoned with. She is well respected in the village and is full of wisdom. She is also adamantly opposed to hearing about the gospel of Jesus Christ.


A changed life

Baptised as a Catholic when he was small, Arnold’s church attendance actually meant playing outside it. He started taking drugs in secondary school and as he managed to pass his secondary school exams without praying, he figured he didn’t need God.


Longing to be loved

Safina Street Network is an outreach service working with vulnerable children and young people in Dodoma and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. They tell us one boy’s story. 


There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.