AIM Location : United Kingdom & Europe

Ministry in the United Kingdom & Europe ranges from being a part of mobilising offices, to teaching in Bible colleges to being involved in work among the African Diaspora across the continent.

In 2015 more than one million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe. Many are fleeing the war in Syria, or escaping the aftermath of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but there has also been a steep increase in the amount of migrants from Africa. Some are moving for economic reasons, some are escaping political oppression, and others are seeking to avoid religious persecution. Whilst illegal migration makes up a large proportion of those migrants entering Europe, Africans are also here as students or as international employees, responding to the demand that Europe has for both skilled and unskilled labour. Ultimately, thousands of Africans are journeying every month, in search of work and a better life.


Des portes ouvertes à Montréal

J’ai rejoint une équipe qui travaillait déjà auprès de la diaspora africaine. Ils travaillent particulièrement avec les immigrés d’Afrique du Nord ; des personnes qui sont arrivées en tant qu’étrangers voire réfugiés et qui ont grandement besoin de connaître l’amour de Jésus. La tâche est immense, mais le Seigneur m’a rappelée qu’Il nous demande de venir à Lui avec nos 5 pains et nos 2 poissons. C’est Lui qui multiplie, qui fait fructifier selon sa grâce !


My biggest praise

Political instability in Africa has meant that South Africa is one of the countries where many refugees go. Zara* works with a community from East Africa where most women do not speak English, yet their children go to the local schools. 


Showing hope amidst despair

We’ve all seen the pictures; desperate families walking away from destroyed homes, little children being carefully passed over barbed-wire fences, dangerously overcrowded boats arriving on European shores. AIM missionary, Jonathan, and local partner, Pedro, talk about how they are seeking to share hope with these displaced peoples. 


There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.