AIM Location : Madagascar

The world’s fourth biggest island boasting flora and fauna that exist nowhere else on earth. 92% of the population exist on less than £2 per day. 41% of the population identify with Christianity, 7% with Islam, the majority follow Traditional African Religions.

In 1979 Colin & Christine Molyneux began AIM’s work in Madagascar. Initially working with the Malagasy Bible Society the plan was for AIM mission partners to engage in farm projects that would support poor communities, and encourage Christians in these communities to share the gospel. Quickly, however, it became clear to the Molyneux’s that there was a tremendous need for evangelism and Bible teaching across all of Madagascar. Whilst many in Madagascar professed the Christian faith, few knew Christ.

Today the task continues, Madagascar is still in need of Bible teaching and there remains ten people groups who are still waiting to hear the gospel for the first time. AIM’s goal is to reach these unreached people with the good news of Christ, and to see Christ-centred churches across Madagascar, and the rest of Africa.



Pour de nombreux missionnaires, l’appel vers le champ de mission implique de traverser des frontières, des cultures et des langues. Mais l’histoire de Rosina Ferdinand est un peu différente. Aujourd’hui responsable d’AIM pour Madagascar, elle est une missionnaire qui vit et travaille pour partager l’Évangile avec son propre peuple, les Sakalava, sur l’île même où elle a grandi.


Le Royaume de Dieu à Madagascar

Melias est un missionnaire malgache. Il a quitté son emploi d’ingénieur en construction parce qu’il était déterminé à en apprendre davantage sur la mission. Il implante des églises et fait des disciples parmi les nouveaux croyants à Ikongo chez les Tanala et à NosyBe chez les Sakalava.


There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.