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l'équipe d'AIM Europe

AIM Francophone Office
AIM’s Francophone Office is seeking a new Director. Pray for Gilles who is currently serving as AIM France’s Director and Finance Officer, which entails a vast workload that he struggles to find capacity to manage alone. Pray that God will raise up the right person to take on the role of Director so that Gilles and the rest of the Francophone Office can have more capacity to mobilise French-speaking missionaries to Africa.
EU Communications Team
Today AIM Europe’s Communications and Fundraising Officer, Carel gets married to his fiancé, Ruth. Pray for Carel and Ruth on their wedding day, that all will run smoothly and that today will be a day of great joy for them and their friends and family. Pray that God will bless their marriage and that they will continue to find joy in Christ as the centre of their relationship.
European Based Orientation
Give thanks for the European-Based Orientation (EBO) that has been going on over the past week for our missionaries who are preparing to be sent to their various locations later this year. EBO is a time of training, equipping and supporting our missionaries practically, emotionally and spiritually to leave their home country and serve Jesus overseas. Pray for our Personnel Manager, Julie as she leads EBO and for the Molenaar, Miner and Putman families as they participate and prepare to make the move to Africa.
AIM Europe
Please pray for our Mobilisation Department as we recruit new Mission Advisors for England and Wales to join our UK staff team. Pray that God will lead the right people to apply, and for discernment in the shortlisting interview process. You can find out more here.
AIM Europe
Today we celebrate Lindsey Davies (Communications Manager), Miriam Bryant and Tim Heaton (Mission Advisors) and Kathryn Hubbard (Personnel Administrator) and their service to AIM in their time on the UK staff team. Please pray for them as they move on to new jobs, and for the Communications, Mobilisation and Personnel teams as they adapt to this change. Please also pray for Eleana as she takes over the Personnel Administrator role from Kathryn.
AIM Europe
Please pray for AIM France as they lead a vision trip to West Africa. Pray for safety during the trip, and that the team going will encourage local believers as they meet with them and gain an insight into what ministry in the area could look like.
AIM Europe
Please pray for AIM Europe’s Finance department as they plan their workloads until the end of the year, including finalising 2023’s budgets for missionaries and the office. Praise God for how he has provided for us this year, and please pray that we will steward our resources well as we use them to “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.” (Matthew 6:33)
AIM Europe
Rianne from the Netherlands office has recently returned from a trip to visit AIM missionaries in Kenya, Uganda and DR Congo. Praise God for his protection over Rianne’s health and travelling, and for the things that Rianne learned seeing AIM’s Dutch missionaries at work first-hand. Pray that she will be able to use this to inspire AIM’s supporters in the Netherlands in their involvement in cross-cultural mission.