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Mission Essentials Bible Study

Welcome to Mission Essentials! This set of four Bible studies has been designed to help your church discover God’s grand saving plan for his world. In the first study we take a step back and consider the jaw-dropping nature of God’s Lordship and glory. We will see that, ultimately, the mission of the church is to proclaim God’s glory to the whole world. While God is glorious, he’s also loving; in the second study we will be amazed by God’s love for the nations which is demonstrated time and again throughout the Bible (and finally in the person of Jesus Christ). In the third and fourth studies we move from considering God’s character and turn to think about what this means for us, his followers. The first characteristic of a disciple of Jesus, considered in the third study, is sharing his love with others. In the final study, we will be challenged with Jesus’ example of sacrifice and will see that we too need to be ready to sacrifice our all for our Saviour.

We hope that these studies will encourage you and your small group to follow harder after Jesus – and to help you to find your place in God’s grand saving plan for the whole world. 

You can download a participant’s guide here

If you are using this Bible study on Zoom, you can download some powerpoint slides that might be useful here




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Type: Bible Study

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