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Here is a list of international missionaries with financial supporters in Europe. Use the dropdown to select the missionary you would like to give to.

Click here to see a list of AIM Europe missionaries.

Nick, Erica and their two sons, Levi and Silas, have been called by the Lord to serve in missionary aviation in East Africa. They are currently preparing stateside before they move across the ocean.

They are eager to serve those in Africa who haven’t heard the name of Jesus, and to share the love and grace of Christ that has been shown to them.

Josh and Sarah Cowles both grew up overseas, Josh in the UK and Sarah in Africa. As they grew in their relationship with God, they both desired to see people come to saving faith in Jesus. Josh and Sarah met at Moody Bible Institute in Washington, and were married in 2020. Josh Currently serves as a flight instructor, and Sarah works as an educational therapist.

Josh and Sarah are gearing up to move to Nairobi, Kenya, where Josh will serve as an AIM AIR pilot/mechanic. As an educational therapist, Sarah will help children overcome their learning disabilities and succeed in the classroom. They hope to make even the most difficult to reach places accessible for those answering God’s call to go and make disciples.

Gustavo has a degree in physical education, including research in indiginous education. He is an Electro-technical Technician and Hospital Clown. He was a volunteer in the CAFI Burkina Faso project and instructor in a clown workshop at a congress (CIMA) in Chile.

Miriane has a degree in Theology from Instituto Teológico Quadrangular. She has taken several courses in the area of evangelism and child pastoring. She participated in evangelism programmes in Paraguay, as well as in projects helping drug addicts in São Paulo.

They got married in 2020 and are now preparing for long term ministry among the unreached nomadic people of Hurri Hills, hoping to move there in early 2023. Hurri Hills is a mountainous region in northern Kenya. There, in its wilderness, are communities that have not yet been reached by the gospel. Among them, are the peoples of the Borana and Gabbra. Both peoples are nomadic and semi-nomadic, herders, and have animism with Muslim elements as their religion.

We are parents of two wonderful girls, Isabela, 17, and Melissa, 14.

Over the years we have had the privilege of serving in short and long term ministries in various parts of Brazil, Bolivia and Mozambique. It has been a privilege to serve mission through the gifts, talents, and abilities that God has given to us.

Since 2011 we have been working as missionaries for AIM (Mission to the Interior of Africa - MIAF). We understand that Christ came to seek and to save the lost and he calls his church to unite. This is missions: where God delights in beautiful feet that take good news to the ends of the earth.

We are in the process of returning to Mozambique in 2023. We are currently working on the GO Programme, theological education, discipleship, and are supporting local churches in Mozambique.

Find out more by clicking here

We have been serving with AIM for more than 20 years. Since our youth we've been involved with evangelism and local church work, but in 2000, understanding that our call was to "serve those who serve" we joined AIM South America to serve with the Brazilian office as part of the staff.

We're passionate about helping those who feel called by God to serve among unreached people groups in Africa. For this reason, our ministry is focused in four areas: Mobilizing, Training, Sending and Caring.

Parallel to his work with AIM, Paulo has a passion for the unity of the church and missionary work and since 2010 has been involved in different global connections, such as International Partnering Association (IPA), which has helped different organisations and ministries in the formation of partnerships and strategic alliances to the advancement of the gospel among unreached peoples; COMIBAM – Ibero-America Mission Cooperation and AMTB - Association of Brazilian Transcultural Missions.

We have two amazing kids, Felipe and Gabriel

I am serving in France, among international students, where there is a large migratory flow of young university students coming from unreached African peoples.

Beau and Mim are preparing to serve at Rift Valley Academy in 2023. We are excited to be supporting missionary children there. Beau is a teacher, Mim is an RN. Before leaving, we are spending as much time as possible with our two sons, their wives, and our grandson!

I have been passionate about sharing the gospel since I was nine years old, and have had the privilege to be called by God to share not only the gospel but also share this passion about mission. For about 15 years I have been a mobiliser in my own country, encouraging children and youth to pray for missionaries and unreached people groups that have never heard the gospel. Since some years ago I felt the calling to start praying to go to the nations.

In the meantime, while I have been waiting for open doors, I have been taking online inductive bible study as a step of faith in my mission journey. Now, I'm preparing to go to Mozambique were I'll be involved in long term ministry, serving in AIM office in Mozambique and working with the local churches with a focus on discipleship and mobilisation of children and youth.

I greatly appreciate financal partnership in my preparation for the mission field!

Rosina was serving with IFES in Madagascar for many years. She is now currently serving in partnership with Africa Inland Mission and Spoken Worldwide through Oral Bible Translations projects. It is almost unthinkable that Rosina did not grow up as a Christian believer.

She leads a team of local translators working to get the Word of God to the unreached Sakalava and Antakarana peoples. Rosina has been leading and facilitating missions in Madagascar for over 10 years – as a mentor, mission mobilizer, outreach team leader and Unit leader for AIM.

Lerato was born and raised in Lesotho, Southern Africa. Lerato’s call to Unreached Peoples Groups (UPGs) began about 13 years ago while she was watching a documentary about great numbers of Muslims who still haven’t heard the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Her journey with AIM started in 2019 when she participated in a short-term team called the Harvest Team that served in Northern Mozambique. In this team, she lived with other Africans in a rural Muslim community teaching literacy, bible stories and sustainable agriculture.

In 2021 she became part of a 12-month missions preparation team called the Inbound Team based in Uganda. Through this team she participated in an outreach to South Sudan and she was further equipped on sharing the gospel with Muslims. In September 2023 she will be part of a 2-year Training in Ministry Outreach team in Oum Hadjer, Chad where she will be living among about 30, 000 unreached Chadian Arabs. As part of this team, Lerato will learn to communicate the gospel in Chadian Arabic and encourage Chadian Arabs to establish house churches. Lerato hopes to continue serving among Muslims even beyond her time in Chad.

Manoel & Danielle are from Northern Brazil and became Christians at a young age in the city of Manaus, located in the Brazilian Amazon.

God called them to serve him with all their strength and they dedicated their lives to him. It was then that God placed an intense love for Africa in their hearts.

They have been pastors of Elim Christian Mission in Brazil since 2011 and while they waited to go to Africa, they served the church through evangelism, discipleship, and leadership. In 2019 they went through extra preparation in Transcultural Missions at a training center in Northern Brazil (IMPV Norte).

Now, they are living in Nampula, Mozambique and are involved in full-time ministry serving and working with the local churches in discipleship and mobilization of Mwani peoples.

I have the privilege of working on an island in the Indian Ocean, developing relationships with neighbors and other contacts in order to share the glorious hope available through Jesus.

On this majority-Muslim island, many people are happy for conversation and relationship, but are resistant to life change.

Could you support Suzy in this work?

The Basso Family has worked among the Bara people of Madagascar since 2013, when God called them from Brazil to enjoy God’s mission among this people group

Fernando is an Agricultural Engineer and Jana is a Teacher. After learning the Bara language, they started the Coworkers (Cooperadores) Project in 2015.

The Coworkers project is a diversity of strategies that aims to bring Glory to God, through Jesus Christ, in the redemption of Bara People Group, in partnership with local Malagasy church.

Today, our ministries include:

Children Program: We have listed more than 300 children that come every Saturday and every Wednesday in two different places (villages) to listen to Bible stories, sing and play.

The Jesus Film (in the Bara language): The Bara people are a visually oriented culture, so the Jesus Film has been an excellent approach to sharing the gospel. We’ve shown the film in over 80 Bara villages since 2016, with great results.

Farming in God’s Way Program: As an agricultural engineer, Fernando teaches and helps the community to improve soil fertility, crop productivity, bug and weed control, with agriculturally sustainable practices that fit in the environment where the Bara live. The Bassos also use farming as a tool for evangelism.

Evangelist Training: We have trained more than 100 evangelists in missions since 2015. Our program includes training in: Missions in the OT and NT, Evangelism strategies, Story Tellers Program, and a Disciple makers program. We also provide them with tools that can improve their work as evangelists, including study Bibles, biblical commentaries, and bicycles.

Audio Bible Distribution: More than 85% of Bara People are illiterate, so this is a good strategy to reach them with the gospel. Working with Justine, a Bara believer, we translate, record, and upload Bible Stories that are culturally relevant and point to Christ, the only hope.

Relief Program: We provide help and social assistance to children and widows in difficulty.

Church mobilization in Missions: We alone cannot accomplish the task; we need workers. The church is full of them. We train and mobilize the Bara church to accomplish its task of reaching their own people.

Supporting local pastors in evangelism: we help provide financial support when pastors/evangelists are going to evangelize Bara people.In partnership with Servants of Christ International Ministry, we have blessed three Lutheran churches by providing roofs, and one Assembly of God church, building the floor.

Could you support Fernando and Janaine in this work?

Peter and Louisa hail from South Africa and recently became part of the Africa Inland Mission (AIM) family in 2023. Their previous experience includes serving in North Africa, where they recognised the need for long-term relational commitment in the region.

With a passion for education and a heart for mission work, Peter and Louisa are dedicated to reaching out to local communities with the gospel. They are blessed with a daughter who will accompany them on their mission journey.

'A-F' is serving in North Africa, where there is much opposition to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Can you support 'A-F's work?

Rodrigo and Valeska are missionaries with AIM living in Africa since 2010. They are a Brazilian family with two sons: Pedro (17) and Asafe (15). The Petrelli Family is currently based in Kijabe – Kenya, leading the META project – Mentoring, Equipping, Training African pastors and leaders (link of the project page) in remote areas in Northen Kenya.

They have lived in South Africa, Madagascar, Uganda and Kenya, serving in: supporting and equipping multicultural workers, team leaders and multicultural teams among unreached areas; onboarding and training new missionaries; mobilizing and equipping African pastors and leaders.

Rodrigo majored in Theology and Pedagogy, he is a Baptist pastor ordained in December 2003, he is the director of the META Project that equipes African pastors that have never had the opportunity of any kind of education on Basic Theology and/or Missiology.

Valeska majored in Psychology, Specialist in People Management and loves to serve on Equipping Multicultural teams and leaders, Member Care/ TCK care.

Could you support Rodrigo and Valeska in thier work?

Maam was accepted as a Full Term missionary with AIM Canada in December 2020.
Maam served as part of the TIMO Team in Likawage, Tanzania working among the Ngindo, Mwera and Sukuma people groups.
Maam is currently in a study assignment, and is planning to return to Africa in the future and serve together with her husband Matthias.

Could you support Maam?

Church planting in North Africa.

Could you support A&R?

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