Discipleship and Church Leadership in Mozambique

Claire Weddell is based in Chimoio, working with local churches in discipleship and leadership development.

Jesus said, “…go and make disciples of all nations…”  (Matthew 28:19)

Mozambique still bears scars from the war that ravaged the country up to 1992. Recent civil unrest has been a stark reminder that the country may not always be accessible to missionaries. We must use every opportunity, so, for sustainability, the work is focused on making disciples, who make disciples, who in turn will make disciples… An essential part of this is to assist church leaders to establish effective discipleship programmes, and to mobilise the Mozambican church for mission.

Meet Oliver Bomba…

‘During my Christian life I did not know in reality how the Bible works and how it is structured. I just walked in the church but without knowing the Bible, but now I feel different with the appearing of missionary Clara and her ministry in my church.

I began to learn how to save the others who do not know God as their Saviour, especially how to be responsible in a congregation of God and these teachings helped me a lot in the work of God because now I know how to teach people to know God better.

Today I know how to teach what I am teaching, and what God wants done.

Now I feel prepared for the responsibilities of service of God, because what I was before is now different, and the people I lead are changing for the better and are growing in spirit.

I want to thank missionary Clara together with her ministry, and God bless her richly.’

Oliver Bomba, Zone Leader, Igreja Missão Fé Apostolica, Assembleia Francisco Manyanga, Chimoio, Mozambique.

My days are very varied, involving teaching, training, mentoring and coaching at a group, small group and individual level. Sometimes I’m presenting a seminar in a local church, at other times teaching in a Bible School or working one-on-one. In this cross-cultural situation, coaching is of particular value, as it gives students the opportunity to find their own culturally-appropriate solutions to the challenges they face.

Discipleship and leadership development are not just about classroom teaching, but about sharing life – the struggles as well as the joys. I try to provide practical ministry opportunities, but also get involved in the lives of the students and their families, by being available to help them address the challenges they face and apply the teaching in real-life situations.

May God be glorified in Mozambique… and beyond!

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